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TS Escorts & Trans Escorts in Philippines, Makati City

TS Escort of the day

skype: jaz_supercute viber/line: +639268421485 Hi... I'm a simple TRANSGENDER woman with a simple dream and that is to love and to be loved in return. I'm hoping to find someone who will accept me and love me for who and what I am. Someone who will bring out the woman in me, the woman I'm really supposed to be. Someone I could hold on to and give my love until the end of time. Just promise to love me and I will give my all. I just wanted someone to love me. I would changed my personality, changed the way I talk, changed the way I look, learned a different language, I do everything just so I was accepted. I have given so much of my heart away and until one day I realized that there is nothing left to it. I may not be naturally born female but deep inside my heart I know I am female. I love being transgender because we are very rare. We are only 1% of the worlds population. I feel very exotic, its not everyday people get a chance to meet a beautiful tranny.
18 Y/O
I Am
Trans woman

ts4rent exclusive

Philippines, Makati City TS Escorts, Shemale & Trans escorts